Monday 22 April 2013

How to Andy Warhol yourself.

Ok so today the word/s of the day was Andy Warhol. I decided to do my own version of the Marilyn Monroe Silk Screen.
Here is how i did it.

1. Start with a photo that is inspired by the 70's, i used this one.
2. Change mode to Greyscale

3. Then change Mode back to RGB. Don't flatten.
4. Using the Pen tool create a Path for the hair. Label Hair Path.

Click back to the Layers tab & create a new Layer - call Hair.

Make Hair Path a selection & click on the background layer.

 Play with the light & dark points in the Levels function to create shadows in the hair.

5. Select Hair Layer. 
Choose colour that you want for the hair. I used colour #fef14a.
Fill colour in Hair Selection & make 80% opacity. Deselect Hair.

6. Click back to background layer & using the Magic Wand select the dark shadows in the hair using a tolerance of 50.
7. Click back to Hair Layer
Fill with Black at 100% opacity.
9. Repeat steps  4 to 8 for:

10. Once all have been done, flatten.
11. Select background with the Magic Wand tool & fill with your selected colour at 100% opacity & Voila! If you want to do the same photo with different colours all you need to do is select the part you want to change & just change the colour.

Here is my finished photo.

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