Friday 29 March 2013

Ring Final Shots

I took inspiration from this photo today, thought it had great composition & was interesting enough rather than just shooting the ring on its own.

This is my very favorite ring of all time. It's a one-off ring that cost me the price of one of my arms. I'm a Leo & i'm obsessed with big cats so i figure it suits my personality to a T.

The editing process was as follows:
1. Colour correct
2. 30% Bring on Eyes Action
3. 50% Sharpen This Action applied to eyes, nose, mouth & rings & flatten
4.Apply Glamour Glow Skin Technique & flatten
You can watch it here:
5. Select Eyes & copy to new layer
6. Colour Balance, make opacity 50%
7. Smart Sharpen:
Amount - 91
Radius - 9.3
Remove - Gaussian Blur
8. Erase excess colour around eyes & flatten
 9. Apply Cooler Action & flatten.

To achieve the below colouring just add the Vintage Action
& make opacity 50%.

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