Thursday 28 March 2013

Shoes Shoes Shoes

Didn't need any inspirational pics for the word shoes, I did have another idea planned but my hubby talked me out of it as there was a lot of heavy lifting for him - lol. These are my sneakers, i wear them everywhere : walking, running, to work, to dinner - everywhere. & yes, they are fully sequined runners. I'm a city girl, there's no denying it!
Here is how i got from raw to final.


 1. Basic colour correct
2. Adjust Colour Balance
3. Apply Cooler Action
4. Apply Smart Sharpen:
Amount - 60
Radius - 11.50
Remove - Gaussian Blur
5. Apply Boost Action
6. Apply Fresh & Colourful Action

1. Basic colour correct
2. Apply Cooler Action
3. Apply Boost Action
4. Apply Define & Sharpen Action
5. Adjust Colour Balance & use Levels to lighten slightly.

1. Basic colour correct
2. Select darker white areas & pull back till 100% white
3. Apply Cooler Action
4. Apply Define & Sharpen Action
5. Colour fill different shades of white areas with chosen colours.

All actions used can be found here :
(yes, they are free!!)

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